Bachelor of Chemistry - vertaling naar Engels
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Bachelor of Chemistry - vertaling naar Engels

Bachelor of Arts, Journalism; Bachelor of Arts in Journalism; Bachelor of journalism; Bachelor of Science, Journalism; Bachelor of Communication and Journalism; Bachelor of the Arts, Journalism

Chemistry (J-pop); CHEMISTRY; Regeneration (Chemistry album); Fo(u)r; Winter of Love (Chemistry album); All the Best (Chemistry album); Re:fo(u)rm; Hot Chemistry; Face to Face (Chemistry album); The CHEMISTRY joint album (Chemistry album); Chemistry 2001–2011; CHEMISTRY 2001-2011 (Chemistry album); Chemistry 2001-2011; Chemistry discography; Chemistry (band) discography; Chemistry (Chemistry album); Point of No Return (Chemistry song); My Gift to You (Chemistry song); My Gift to You (chemistry song)
(n.) = química
Ex: Thus we all agree that one component of a building is a roof (and not vice versa!), and that chemistry is a branch of science.
* analytical chemistry = química analítica
* biochemistry = bioquímica
* electrochemistry = electroquímica
* inorganic chemistry = química inorgánica
* neurochemistry = neuroquímica
* organic chemistry = química orgánica
* photochemistry = fotoquímica
* physical chemistry = físicoquímica
* radiation chemistry = química para la radiación
bachelor of literature         
Bachelor of Literature; BLitt; B.Litt.; Bachelor of letters; Litt.B.; LittB
bachiller en literatura, licenciado en letras, que ha obtenido el primer título universitario
Chemistry (J-pop); CHEMISTRY; Regeneration (Chemistry album); Fo(u)r; Winter of Love (Chemistry album); All the Best (Chemistry album); Re:fo(u)rm; Hot Chemistry; Face to Face (Chemistry album); The CHEMISTRY joint album (Chemistry album); Chemistry 2001–2011; CHEMISTRY 2001-2011 (Chemistry album); Chemistry 2001-2011; Chemistry discography; Chemistry (band) discography; Chemistry (Chemistry album); Point of No Return (Chemistry song); My Gift to You (Chemistry song); My Gift to You (chemistry song)


bachiller en artes
term. comp.
Bachiller, persona que recibía el primer grado académico.


Bachelor of Journalism

The Bachelor of Journalism (B.J.) degree is a degree awarded at some universities to students who have studied journalism in a three or four year undergraduate program. In the United States, some schools that do not award the B.J. degree instead confer a Bachelor of Arts, Journalism (B.A.J.), Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication (B.A.J.M.C.) or Bachelor of Science, Journalism (BSJ) that is often part of or in conjunction with a course of study in mass communication. Yet another epithetological version of the degree, conferred by The Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia, is the A.B.J. degree, the Latin equivalent of the B.J./B.A.J.

The Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Kansas accredits university level journalism programs in the United States. There are currently 109 such accredited programs in 40 states.